Testing Windows Live Writer 2009

A co-worker of mine, and brand new blogger, came across Windows Live Writer 2009 as a way to draft and publish new posts, so I decided to try it out. Even though it’s named “Windows Live”, it is intended to work with more than just Windows Live Spaces. I’m trying it out as a way to publishing to my Blogger account, and my friend has installed BlogEngine.NET for his blog.

This is my first test post with this software, and after I put it through it’s paces, I’ll share my findings (good or bad). I have been growing a little weary of the standard Blogger.com online editor for drafting posts and have even had thoughts of switching over to WordPress as well. We’ll have to see what and when I make any drastic changes like that.


About Kris

Programming since age 14, professional software engineer Kris Nelson practices his life motto of "Never stop learning" by developing websites and Apps around his passions, while staying current with trends in technology and social media.